Ooooh, check out Portishead, everyone! Dudes wait 11 freakin’ years between 1997’s self-titled and its follow-up, and now they’re just all like: “We in put out our last record 2008, and now we’re just hangin’ out, starting our next one. No big deal, everyone…” Pfffffffffft! Are they for serious???
I mean, seriously! I heard that their Instrumentalist/producer/whatever dude Geoff Barrow was all, like, talking to the BBC 6 Music people (I don’t know, maybe on the phone I guess?), and he was just all like: “I’m writing for Portishead through July and August. I just want to bang on and get another record done.” Yeah, for real. He said “bang on.” Who even TALKS like that, right?!
Then I guess that Barrow dude was just getting all up in the face of the BBC person or whatever, spitting all this game about the new record deal his ass just got handed. “It’s with a major. It’s with the biggest record company in the world,” he said. “It’s with people we trust, which with a band is the most important thing.” Then he’s like: “We did the Third record, it did incredibly well. We got very little support from the UK as we don’t represent a certain demographic of people, but we did Coachella [festival] and that was amazing.” It’s like, dude, WHATEVS. Just book your gigs, throw-down hard at them, and move friggin’ on, you know? You guys know what I’m saying.
Anyway guys, all that shit to say that the new album doesn’t have a title or a release date at this point (big freakin’ surprise, right?). But I guess they’re working on it, and they wanted to let us all know. THAT’s how insecure they are, or something (seriously, right?!?). Ha, just joshing. I’m pumped for the new one.
• Portishead: http://www.portishead.co.uk
• BBC 6 music: http://www.bbc.co.uk/6music
[Photo: José Goulão]