Watch out, world, The Simpsons are coming to cable! I’ll leave the details to other news outlets, but with a new syndication deal, 2014 is going to be a monumental year for America’s favorite family. To celebrate this television event, Prefuse 73 is taking his good friends Nosaj Thing and Falty DL on tour in tribute to what is sure to be a “Yellow Year.” Everything’s coming up Prefuse! The FaltyDL has disbanded! Dental plan! Nosaj Thing! Dental plan! Nosaj Thing! And so on.
In premonition of the upcoming Simpsons deal — or what may well be a coincidence — Prefuse 73 founded a new label called Yellow Year earlier this year with photographer Angel Ceballos. The label recently put out their first release, an EP by Prefuse and Teebs collaborative duo Sons of the Morning (TMT Review). That release is the first in a 12-part EP series called Speak Soon, but I’m sure you know all about that. Anyway, the point I’m getting at is, the man you knew as E. Nagurney is dead. Say hello to Miguel Sanchez.
Prefuse 73, Nosaj Thing, and Falty DL dates:
01.23.14 - San Francisco, CA - 1015
01.24.14 - Los Angeles, CA - Echoplex
01.25.14 - Portland, OR - Holocene
01.29.14 - Denver, CO - Cervantes
01.30.14 - New York, NY - Output
01.31.14 - Toronto, ON - Hoxton
02.01.14 - Chicago, IL - Concord
• Prefuse 73: http://www.prefuse73.com
• Falty DL: https://soundcloud.com/faltydl
• Nosaj Thing: http://www.nosajthing.com
• Yellow Year: http://yellowyearrecords.com
More about: FaltyDL, Nosaj Thing, Prefuse 73