+ / - Prep New Album, Inspire Obnoxious List; In The Future I Look Forward To Reporting On Up-And-Coming Bands Compare/Contrast and Venn Diagram

Precise, pressurized, prism-pop purveyors + / - (I totally just won in cattergories) are getting ready to release a proper follow-up to their 2003 LP You Are Here, an album so good it's rumored to have been responsible for a recent string of power outages, as well as the ritual murders of at least three teenagers in Spokane, WA. Still not satisfied, the gore-drenched band also plans to switch things up with a new label, followed by a scattershot fall tour.

Now, all these + / - announcements dumped in our laps on the same day might lead one to believe that the band were a bit rash in their decision-making. Luckily, there is still some time left before the album's release, so today I'd like to present a short list of things the band might not have considered when making their plans, things that might have looked positive at first glance, but in the end are unalterably negative. Take heed:

[+] Critical praise upon release of new album on October 24, entitled Let's Build a Fire.

[-] Legal battle over plagiarism with publishers of Official Boy Scout Handbook.

[+] Newfound respect after signing to Absolutely Kosher, home of Frog Eyes, The Dead Science, and Sunset Rubdown.

[-] Newfound embarrassment after parents discover Absolutely Kosher also home of Goblin Cock.

[+] Instantly increased fanbase due to awe-inspiring tracklist.

[-] Not really:

1. Let's Build A Fire
2. Fadeout
3. Steal the Blueprints
4. The Important Thing Is To Love
5. Thrown Into the Fire
6. Summer Dress 2 [Iodine]
7. Ignoring All the Detours
8. Profession
9. One Day You'll Be There
10. This Is All I Have Left
11. Leap Year
12. Time and Space
13. For You

[+] Memorable experiences from successful U.S. tour:

10.27.06 - Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Church +
10.28.06 + Washington, DC - Black Cat -
11.08.06 - Birmingham, AL - Bottle Tree
11.10.06 + Denton, TX - Hailey's
11.11.06 - Austin, TX - Austin Music Hall
11.14.06 + Phoenix, AZ - Modified Arts
11.15.06 - Tucson, AZ - Plush
11.17.06 + San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill
11.20.06 - Portland, OR - Towne Lounge
11.21.06 + Seattle, WA - Crocodile
11.25.06 - Chicago, IL - Schubas
11.26.06 + Grand Rapids, MI - Intersection
11.29.06 - Toronto, ON - Sneaky Dees
11.30.06 + Montreal, QC - Casa Del Popolo

+ / - with the Wrens

[-] Memorable experience from unlocked stall in Tucson bathroom.

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