Soon after everybody agreed that the forthcoming Prince Rama record, Top Ten Hits of the End of the World, sounds awesome, Prince Rama looked into their mystical pool for their next move. The mystical pool spoke only these words: “Now-Age Psych Opera.” If it was you or me talking to a mystical pool, we’d have no idea what to do with this information. Beyond that, we’d be baffled by this whole mystical pool concept. Prince Rama are not us.
As Prince Rama interpret the “Now-Age Psych Opera,” it is a short film called Prince Rama and The Scorpion Tornado, intended to accompany Top Ten Hits of the End of the World. Short films cost money, though; you can’t pay for ‘em with just karma. Accordingly, Prince Rama have launched a Kickstarter campaign to produce those funds. Their goal is $15,000 within 20 days (16 days left), with incentives including recipes, a producer credit, a role in the film, customized songs, multi-course dinners, and glowing energy. The glowing energy one is not real, but would you have been surprised? No.
So what’s this film about? Let Prince Rama tell it: “SET IN A NOT SO DISTANT DIMENSION, the film takes place in a world ruled by a despotic new-age queen (played by Nimai). In this world of love and light, one existential pop-star (played by Taraka) seeks to discover the depths of her dark side. We follow our heroes as they grapple with inter-dimensional portals and chiseled abs to the inevitable bloody and apocalyptic conclusion.” Oh, so a NOW-age psych opera. Why didn’t you just say so?
If produced, Brooklyn-based studio Astral Projects will shoot the film. The studio’s duo of Tony Lowe and Lily X. Wahrman directed Icon Eye, the documentary focusing on Icon Give Thank (TMT Review), the recent collaborative album from Sun Araw, M. Geddes Gengras, and The Congos. Tentatively, the film should see release in November, the same release month as Top 10 Hits of the End of the World. A month later, the world will not end and the cosmos will continue and stuff.
• Prince Rama: http://princerama.tumblr.com
• Astral Projects: http://astral-projects.com