Every day for seven years, I drank a whole case of the off-brand Doctor Pepper rip-off Doctor Thunder. Before going to bed every night, I built a new sculpture out of the defeated cans. And every night, I took a picture of that statue. And every morning, I put that picture on the internet. And every afternoon, my on-site counter reported zero views. And every evening, I shed some tears and began the process anew. This is my life. This is real.
But enough of my sob story! As Ad Hoc reports, there’s a new thunder-centric online gallery out there and, hey, maybe you’ll actually want to look at this one. Between 1995 and 2001, there existed a Providence, RI-based art space called Fort Thunder. Local noise-rock acts such as Lightning Bolt and Mindflayer lived, worked, and played at this space, which was housed in the second-floor warehouse of an abandoned textile factory. During Fort Thunder’s heyday, a number of photos of the venue were taken and, now, those photos are available in an online gallery. Not to spoil anything, but the defunct venue does look like it really was a pretty awesome art haven. Apparently, it is now a Staples parking lot. That is nearly as depressing as my life as a Doctor Thunder artist.
• Fort Thunder Gallery: http://fortthunder.02909.com/gallery-00.html
More about: Lightning Bolt