L.A. Weekly has broken the news that DIY/home recording’s two most-apotheosized standard-bearers, R. Stevie Moore and Gary Wilson, are about to release a collaborative album. The 14-song release, titled RSMGW Vol. 1, is reportedly finished and will become available in early 2017 via a yet-to-be-named label.
“The Wilson/Moore collaboration is the brainchild of executive producer Anders Larsson, who plays drums in Wilson’s band, The Blind Dates, and also worked with Moore on the single ‘Boysage,’” the Weekly reports. The two artists put the album together remotely — Moore is based in Nashville, TN, and Wilson lives in San Diego. Although they had never teamed up on record before, both share the reputation of cult weird-pop icons who got their start self-releasing homemade albums in the 1970s. To date, Moore has put out more than 400 CD-Rs, tapes, and digital releases, while Wilson is known best for his idiosyncratic 1977 funk/lounge LP You Think You Really Know Me.
Other musicians involved include Half-Japanese’s Jad Fair, Karen Centerfold, Department of Descriptive Services’s Bebe McPherson, Jimmy Whispers, and Shags Chamberlain (of Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti).
Listen to a short fragment of one of the album’s tracks, “Anders Saw Karen,” here:
More about: Gary Wilson, R. Stevie Moore