Mark your Google calendars: Radiohead, makers of such hit tracks as “Prove Yourself” and “Vegetable,” will appear on a special edition of The Colbert Report on September 26. They’re scheduled to perform three songs from The King of Limbs, as well as new track “The Daily Mail.” Wait, what? Four songs?? Yes, wørd has it that Radiohead are so cool and special and British that The Colbert Report will run its first hour-long episode. Boy, just think how long a Kemialliset Ystävät episode would be!
Said Stephen Colbert: “I look forward to meeting the Radioheads and leveraging their anti-corporate indie cred to raise brand awareness for my sponsors.”
Radiohead will also perform a bonus song for the online version of The Colbert Report.
• Radiohead: http://www.radiohead.com
• The Colbert Report: http://www.colbertnation.com