Top-tier Wu-Tang Clan member Raekwon loves a good goof. But there is a goof, and then there is murder. And then there is a mixtape. The Shaolin warriors at Prefix report that Rae is putting out Just 4 Laughs Pt.2, a free mixtape, on November 25.
For those who work retail/don’t hate going out into the physical world to purchase presents, that very date is known as Black Friday. Presumably, the Chef intends for the world’s holiday shoppers to soundtrack their mall trips with a sequel to 2010’s Just 4 Laughs tape, replete with tales of coke cooking and Wu braggadocio. Or, at least, to give those cowering in the dankest corners of their houses, expressly for the purpose of hiding from the mobs of actual humans, something to listen to. Personally, I was planning for some Scott Walker, but I’ll give this a shot, too. The mixtape’s title track is up on YouTube, but there’s no actual confirmation that the track will actually be on the mixtape. Logic be damned; you know how those things are.
• Raekwon: http://raekwonchronicles.com