Absent the full-fledged revival of R&B that contemporary artists like The Weeknd and Frank Ocean have tearfully foreshadowed, we, as music listeners, are left with precious few options in terms of satisfying our collective desire for LP-empathy towards relationship turmoil. Well, just assume that’s the case; what are those options, or what should we hope for as we silently stroke the printed photographs of monogamy-since-dissolved? Oh yes, that’s right. You were totally wondering how your local drugstore picture center sustained itself after all these years.
Anyway, shockingly, mild fulfillment may come in an EMO form. No, not emo in the bastardized My Chemical Romance sense of the word, nor the influential and completely worthwhile Fugazi sense of word, but in the Ryan Hemsworth utilization of the word (while laughing, might I add) to describe his latest LP Guilt Trips, set for release on October 22 via the Toronto and Montreal-based Last Gang Records. To quote verbatim, referring to the album, “It was just like kind of a combination of flying around and not seeing certain people as much as I wish I could have… it’s more emo, I guess LOLOLOL.”
Well, the Canadian DJ/producer’s total embrace of the “different moods caused by love” on Guilt Trips would be be considered emo(tional) on its own, or especially in contrast with his otherwise shared affinity for “aggressive” rappers like Danny Brown, who shows up a couple of times on Hemsworth’s FACT mix 352. Regardless, why not take the revival into his own hands?
• Ryan Hemsworth: http://ryanhemsworth.com
• Last Gang: http://lastgangentertainment.com
More about: Ryan Hemsworth