Early next year, Sacred Bones will release Jong Jae Il’s soundtrack for Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite, one of the best films of the year. A tragicomic social commentary thriller about family and class struggle, Parasite won the Palme d’Or — the top award — at this year’s Cannes and should at least be nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards, before ultimately losing to Joker or Green Book 2: I’m Not a Racist, But or whatever.
The soundtrack will be released on three different colored vinyl variants. “Green Grass,” “Peach,” and — for Sacred Bones Record Society members — “Scholar’s Rock.” So, if Parasite isn’t playing anywhere near you, doesn’t end up on any streaming service you subscribe to, or you’re one of those ignorant weirdos who doesn’t like foreign films because you’re also an ignorant weirdo who hates reading — in which case, what are you even doing here? — good news! You will still be able to experience greatness of Parasite via a vinyl copy of its soundtrack. But really, you should see it. Least of all because you’ll be able to understand the references to the film made by the vinyl colors ;-)
Jung Jae Il’s soundtrack for Bong Joon-ho’s film Parasite will be released on vinyl by Sacred Bones on January 31. You can pre-order your copy here.
Seriously though, go see the damn movie.
This has been a secret unofficial entry into the TMT film section.