Literal arson isn’t cool in most cases, and I’m sure Iranian (but NY-based) artist SADAF would agree with the dangerousness of setting your residence ablaze to eliminate your attachment to material possessions. First, there’s the threat that doing so would impose on your neighbors — assuming you don’t live in a locality where the houses are miles apart and separated by flame-retardant swampland. And second, is it really the best idea to go around burning federal income tax documents with reckless abandon? I mean: “hypothetically,” you might need that information when you’re trying to compare social security deductions on your W2 from year to year, and it’s probably a hassle to request that info directly from your employer when it isn’t even tax season.
Therefore, NYC-by-way-of-Iran audio/visual artist SADAF both implicitly recommends keeping your tax documents in a labelled filing cabinet AND explicitly volunteers to do all the work of “imagining what it’s like to de-attach from yourself” for you on her debut EP Let It Burn, which is out this spring on Outside Insight.
Let It Burn proceeds fairly directly from the thematically-similar Drown It mixtape released just last month. And musically, the title track from the former definitely sounds like a musical continuance of the latter: instruments (including the violin that she’s traditionally wielded) combine with intense, emotive vocals to form compositions that sound like an alternate score to a Willy Wonka-led sea shanty. The musical fluidity might be a commentary on the chaotic struggle inherent in trying to obtain anonymity. Eh?
Check out that title track down below for yourself, and grab your digital copy of it now on her Bandcamp. And, please, for goodness sake: put that matchbook back down.
More about: SADAF