Turns out, even when she’s in rest-mode (perhaps, say, after releasing one of our favorite albums of 2018 so-far with this past spring’s haunting Let Night Come On Bells End The Day), Vancouver drone artist extraordinaire Sarah Davachi cannot help but spin her personal experiences of quietude, isolation, and austerity into BRAND-NEW, WHOLE-ASS RECORDS of DEEP, CONTEMPLATIVE BEAUTY. It’s just what the lady does.
Davachi’s latest collection of cathedral-sized meditations, Gave In Rest, was recorded last year during a period of flux, during which the composer fled Vancouver and “spent the summer in Europe, occasionally performing in churches and lapidariums and seeking respite from her transitional state while surrounded by such storied history.” As such, the album’s seven constituent tracks — each of which is named for a specific time of day — “echo that emotional state of solitude and ephemerality, reaching towards familiar musical landscapes but from oblique perspectives.” Welp, that sure sounds about right.
You know what else sounds about right, though? The album’s lugubrious and dusk-y first single “Evensong.” You can listen to it down below while you sloooowly and reverently navigate your web browser over here to pre-order CD or LP versions of Gave In Rest — which is due out September 14 via Ba Da Bing.
Gave In Rest tracklisting:
01. Auster
02. Third Hour
03. Evensong
04. Matins
05. Gloaming
06. Gilded
07. Waking
More about: Sarah Davachi