Late into the night, under a pale moon and starless sky, Berlin-based producer Shackleton released his latest macabre creation unto the masses with no warning and no remorse. He has christened it Deliverance Series No. 1 and I can report to you with absolute certainty that hundreds will soon fall victim to its monstrous groove. To minimize risk, avoid the following spaces:
1. Dark, misty woods
2. Old cathedrals
3. Clubs
4. Record stores
As well as anything bearing the signature of Shackleton’s Woe To The Septic Heart label. It is an evil, funky thing. We can only pray that when No. 2 arrives we are better prepared.
Amazingly, a group of brave monster ‘chune hunters have managed to track and capture samples of the beast. They are here, at Hardwax, for your listening terror. We also have archival audio of Shackleton’s last release below.
Deliverance Series No. 1 tracklist:
01. Be At His Command
02. Vor Und Zurück
• Shackleton: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sam-Shackleton/183200998368877
More about: Shackleton