Okay, very funny everyone! Come on; confess. Who’s the wise-guy who finally told Tom Araya (bassist and vocalist for the metal band Slayer) about Radiohead self-releasing an album — you know, seven years ago?
Don’t you realize what you’ve done? You’ve made Slayer go and ditch renowned producer/silly-serious music impresario Rick Rubin and his American Recordings label for the release of their new album (and first since 2009’s, um, World Painted Blood), which is now coming out on their own record label (a.k.a. website), called Nuclear Blast! How is Rubin supposed to feed his family now?!?
According to FACT, Araya and whoever else is in Slayer have decided that Rubin “has played a huge role in our career” and that “we’ve made some great albums with him. But today is a new day, record companies don’t play the kind of role they once did, and we really like the idea of going out on our own, connecting directly with our fans, and Nuclear Blast is fired up about taking on that challenge with us.” Speaking of who’s in Slayer: hey, WHO THE FUCK IS IN SLAYER? Guitarist Jeff Hanneman sadly passed last year, and drummer Dave Lombardo was apparently recently fired as well.
Either way, one thing is clear: some iteration of some band called Slayer is releasing some new album later this year. On their own. Utilizing to some degree this thing called the internet. And it’s without Rubin. And if you don’t believe me, just have a visit over at their .net website, on which they’re currently offering a free download of a new track (presumably from the album). As the band so perfectly puts it: “Hey, mutherfuckers [sic]- You have been waiting for us, now we are delivering for you.” Hmm. Well, try as you might, you just can’t refute that! I guess let’s just go with it? Sorry, Rick. :(
• Slayer: http://www.slayer.net
More about: Slayer