Since Sleigh Bells released their debut album Treats (TMT Review), they’ve had an awful lot of time to brush up on their textbooks (great tourbus reading material), and thus they’ve decided to take a page out of the good ol’ French Revolutionary Calendar. For their sophomore full-length, Reign of Terror, the duo will unleash full throttle threats, powered by the good folks at Mom + Pop, that are sure to jumble your brain around and make you go permanently cross-eyed.
Where will they bring this terror to first? Florida, naturally — a magical land with high rates of serial killers and bestiality. Scared shitless yet? Sleigh Bells embark on a mini-tour leading up to the album’s release date, which falls on the terrifying day of St. Valentine’s. Tickets are already available here.
02.03.12 - Gainesville, FL - Florida Theater
02.04.12 - Tampa, FL - The Ritz
02.06.12 - Pensacola, FL - Vinyl Music Hall
02.07.12 -Tallahassee, FL - The Moon
02.09.12 - Jacksonville, FL - Freebird Live
02.10.12 - Orlando, FL - Firestone
02.11.12 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL - Revolution
02.14.12 - Miami, FL - Grand Central
Reign of Terror tracklisting:
01. True Shred Guitar
02. Born to Lose
03. Crush
04. End of the Line
05. Leader of the Pack
06. Comeback Kid
07. Demons
08. Road to Hell
09. You Lost Me
10. Never Say Die
11. D.O.A.
• Sleigh Bells: http://reignofterror.tv
• Mom + Pop: http://www.momandpopmusic.com