It’s Christmas Eve. You ask your parents if you can go to bed early, because you know that the sooner you fall asleep, the “sooner” you can open your presents the following morning. It’s Christmas Day. The sun is moments away from revealing itself over the horizon, but your excitement is such that you can’t resist preempting your parents and tiptoeing downstairs to see what marvelous gifts Santa Claus has bestowed upon you this year. Nobody would mind if you opened just one of your presents now, would they?
You immediately set your sights upon one, cube-shaped gift in particular; it’s larger and more awesomely adorned than all the rest. As you carefully peel back the shimmery silver wrapping paper, a light peeks through. The luminescence grows with each successive tear. Realization sets in. You’ve just acquired your own… BRAND. NEW. RECORD LABEL.
According to Dummy Magazine, that’s more or less how Daniel Lopatin (Oneohtrix Point Never) and Joel Ford came to be at the helm of Mexican Summer’s Software imprint. As opposed to formally signing Ford & Lopatin ahead of their debut album Channel Pressure (TMT Review), the folks at Mexican Summer generously offered the duo a portion of their budget to release whatever music they wanted. And so they seem to be doing!
This August will bring new music from London’s Blanck Mass (Benjamin Power from Fuck Buttons), as well as Tropa Macaca, a noise duo from Portugal. Blanck Mass will be releasing a 21-minute 12-inch White Math/Polymorph on August 20, and on the same day, Tropa Macaca will be releasing their fourth album Ectoplasma, also as a 12-inch. Check out the individual release pages here and here.
Also, I’d keep an eye on the Software website itself, if for no other reason than that vintage lightning bolt gif at the bottom of the page.
• Blanck Mass: http://blanckmass.bandcamp.com
• Tropa Macaca: http://tropamacaca.com
• Software: http://softwarelabel.net
More about: Blanck Mass, Tropa Macaca