What do you do when your band needs to raise a bit of money for an upcoming tour? Promote nostalgia, of course! Sure, vinyl’s a little more hip, but who doesn’t love a good cassette tape? Back in 2005, just after releasing their debut Broom, indie pop foursome Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin offered fans the chance to receive cassettes of unreleased songs complete with handmade covers if they signed up for a subscription, and the title of their forthcoming album, Tape Club, hearkens back to those days.
The record has almost as many tracks as the band’s name does letters — 26 in total, appropriately including bedroom renditions of favorites such as “Back in the Saddle” and “What We’ll Do,” as well as a selection of tunes that didn’t make it onto previous albums. Last week, Rolling Stone premiered “Yellow Missing Signs” — a synth-tinged and unexpectedly bright account of an unsolved crime — and the entire album is currently streaming on SSLYBY’s Bandcamp page. Ironically, Tape Club will not be released on cassette, but it’ll be available on vinyl, CD, and in digital format October 18 on Polyvinyl Records.
Tape Club tracklisting:
01. The Clod and the Pebble
02. Let’s Get Tired
03. What’ll We Do (demo)
04. Song W + Song L
05. Sweet Owl
06. Spinning Sea
07. Tin Floor 51
08. Lower the Gas Prices, Howard Johnson
09. Go Upstairs
10. Bigger Then Yr Yard
11. Half-Awake (Deb)
12. Not Worth Fighting
13. New Day
14. Coming Through
15. Dead Right (Wilmington demo)
16. We Can Win Missouri
17. Same Speed
18. Cardinal Rules
19. Chili Cook-Off
20. Song 1000
21. Phantomwise (demo)
22. Back in the Saddle (demo)
23. Yellow Missing Signs
24. Letter Divine
25. Bended
26. Bastard of Rome
• Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin: http://www.morawk.com/boris
• Polyvinyl: http://www.polyvinylrecords.com