Imagine the board game Candyland. But imagine it with records. Rare, rare records, shit you ain’t never heard of and can’t afford. And imagine it with cool British accents. Such is the world of London’s Soul Jazz Records, where the peppermint elves of coolness toil away at their rock candy stoves, cooking up only the freshest, most exquisitely curated albums. And today’s offering is the second Teutonic installment in the label’s exploration of krautrock and… stuff like krautrock, aptly titled Deutsche Elektronische Musik 2.
Spanning two triumphantly spacey CDs, the album features Can, Roedelius, Popol Vuh, Amon Düül II, Faust, NEU!, and man of a million collaborations Brian Eno, together with his cohorts, Moebius & Roedelius, plus many a lesser known gem. David Stubbs of The Wire, The Guardian, Melody Maker and about seventeen other prestigious music writing/editing gigs did the liner notes for the album. Deutsche Elektronische Musik 2 comes out March 11 in the UK and will be available on both CD and vinyl.
Deutsche Elektronische Musik 2 tracklisting:
Disc 1:
01. A.R. & Machines, “Globus”
02. Can, “Halleluwah”
03. Roedelius, “Le Jardin”
04. Michael Rother, “Karussell”
05. Popol Vuh, “Der Grosse Krieger”
06. Michael Hoenig, “Sun and Moon”
07. Agitation Free, “You Play For Us Today”
08. DAF, “Co Co Pino”
09. Harald Grosskopf, “Emphasis”
10. Amon Düül II, “A Morning Excuse”
11. Conrad Schnitzler & Wolf Sequenza, “Fata Morgana”
12. Bröselmaschine, “Nossa Bova”
13. Eno, Moebius & Roedelius, “Base & Apex”
14. Gila, “In a Sacred Manner”
15. Wolfgang Riechmann, “Himmelblau”
Disc 2:
01. A.R. & Machines, “Als Hätt Ich Das Alles Schon Mal Gesehen (As If I Had Seen All This Before)”
02. Gila, “Sundance Chant”
03. NEU!, “Isi”
04. Pyrolator, “Danger Cruising”
05. Sergius Golowin, “Die Weisse Alm”
06. You, “Electric Day”
07. Niagara, “Gibli”
08. Popol Vuh, “Ja Sie Sollen Gottes Kinder Heissen Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei”
09. Rolf Trostel, “Der Prophet”
10. Electric Sandwich, “China”
11. Asmus Tietchens, “Zeebrugge”
12. Faust, “Krautrock”
• Soul Jazz: