It’s been a relatively quiet 2014 for the usually prolific Spencer Clark — America’s favorite Casioman packed up his label Pacific City Sound Visions earlier this year and relocated to Belgium to join long-time collaborator Lieven Martens Moana. Thankfully, our sans-Spencer days are over: Clark (and his post-Heaven’s Gate website) is back with Fourth World Magazine Vol. II: Pinhead in Fantasia, just in time for the post-Thanksgiving shopping season. And judging from the preview covered last week on Choco Grinder, I would definitely murder several people in a department store to get my hands on this LP.
Luckily, loss of life doesn’t have to happen, as avant-garde factory outlet Underwater Peoples is now Pacific City’s US distributor — they’ve got the album up for pre-order in their webstore. Even by Spencer standards, the record is one of Pacific City’s most far-out releases to date: Clark claims it was “recorded in an Open Air theater and in a golden metal box simulataneously,” there’s prominent use of synthesized renaissance instruments, and the physical release spans across four different types of media. The record comes packaged with a 12-page booklet, featuring contributions from Clark, David Keenan, and filmmaker AR Faust. Additionally, there’s limited-edition companion DVDs (by the aforementioned Faust) and cassettes; those are only available by contacting Underwater Peoples directly. May you never rest again, Spence.
Pinhead in Fantasia tracklist:
01. Pinhead in Fantasia
02. Female Cenobyte’s Descent into Komodo Garden
03. Frolicking and Monsters
04. The Fanfare of the Ascension of thee Facehugger
• Spencer Clark: http://pacificitysoundvisions.com
• Underwater Peoples: http://underwaterpeoples.com
More about: Monopoly Child Star Searchers, Spencer Clark