What kind of place would a vaporwave festival be held in? Maybe some gleaming, commercial-monstrosity of a space, with faux-foliage attempting to provide a fantasy tropical setting? Perhaps some kind of theoretical, constructed electronic vacuum, plastered with damaged stock images, clip art and GIFs long robbed of their original context? To truly match the atmosphere and flavor of the genre, the best space for the beguiling, almost meta-critical, cultural mimicking/pilfering that is vaporwave might be the average home office. That is, after all, where most of the eye-damaging, brain-petting touchstones of the genre first made contact with our retinas and tympanic membranes.
I have no doubt that this crossed the collective minds of the SPF420 venue when they initially concocted their series of events. What better merging of spaces could there be to experience the digital miasma of vaporwave than the very private space of a home and the very vast and abstract space of a digital venue? This combining of location and music may also explain why these SPF420 events have become so popular; one event, held in March, capped out at 325 viewers. Probably helped that the lineup was damn intense.
For their next drool- and nostalgia-inducing feat of computer invasion, SPF420 is teaming with label Fortune 500 to bring the first in a new SPF420 concert series to many a home computer screen. They’re calling it Fortune 420, and the suitably impressive lineup has been listed below for the browsing pleasure of neophyte and old-hand alike:
ショッピングワールドjp (ShoppingWorldJP):
The people putting on the whole shebang are so generous that they have also procured the services of Luxury Elite to DJ in between sets. If, in the often anonymous and ever-changing world of vaporwave, there is a royalty, Luxury Elite is at least a Baron. All of this can be yours for the low, low price of logging onto the mystical land of Tinychat on May 1, 10 PM EST. The future is being able to watch Window perform from the comfort of your own home, while you are wearing only underwear, with one hand stuffed down your pants. That future is now.
• SPF420: http://www.facebook.com/spf420fest
• Fortune 500: http://fortune500.bandcamp.com
More about: ESPRIT 空想, Luxury Elite, SAINT PEPSI, WINDOW, ショッピングワールドjp, 회사AUTO