SPOONX3 Fest: Carrying Austin in the Afternoon, Go and See Spoon, They’ll Be There Soon

April 24, 2009

From: Mike McHugh

To: Austin, TX

Re: Just catchin’ up + the staggering amount of good bands that play in your city.

Hey, Austin. How’re things? Good? Shit, that’s great, dude. I’m so glad to hear things are kicking so much ass for you… So hey, how’ve you been since SXSW? Oh, shit’s been fantastic? Damn man, that’s great, I’m happy that you’re so happy, and– wait, shit is really going that well? Things have been so kickass in fact that Spoon is coming back to their native Austin in July to play three shows at Stubbs in the inaugural SPOONX3 festival?! That’s insane, son! I mean, the highlight of my live-show life this year was when I broke my glasses at a Lee Ving show last month but… shit, this… this… um, it’s real cool, man! Spoon is a great band. Good for you! You’re so special, dude! I’m sure things will keep ruling Charlemagne style, and I’ll just catch you later and — wait, what? Atlas Sound is playing, too? AND Low? AANNDD Trail of Dead? On separate nights? In the same city? Well dog-shitting Christ in an Elvis diaper, Austin, that action is too goddamn much to keep this player from being polite about it. I have to fucking speak out on the behalf of the rest of Middle America. Excuse me.
07.09.09 – Austin, TX – Stubb’s (Trail of Dead)
07.10.09 – Austin, TX – Stubb’s (Low)
07.11.09 – Austin, TX – Stubb’s (Atlas Sound)


April 24, 2009

From: Mike McHugh

To: Middle America (Mainly Eastern Missouri)

CC: Good Bands


Dear Middle America/Good Bands,

Hello. We are the Midwest, besides Detroit, of course. And Chicago. And Kansas City. Okay, basically we are just St. Louis, MO, and we want you to play here. And by “we,” I mean only me, but still, I am certain reasonable humans within the St. Louis City/Country metro area and myself would love it if you (the few, the proud, the good bands of America) would come to our fair city. Or even Columbia, MO, or O’Fallon, or Wright City, or anywhere within a two-hour radius so I could actually see you! I love Austin, but I don’t want to waste 200 clams on a steel bird or 20 hours + silly-ass gasoline every time I want to see a good show, goddammit! I got things to do, bills to pay, and people to smile at and want things from! So just point your rusty-ass doody van towards the Arch and go go go until you reach my stinky town. We desperately need quality entertainment. Do you know how many Jimmy Buffett cover bands I’ve seen in the last five years? At least half a dozen, and we ain’t even 50 miles away from any decent beaches. And Sammy Hagar-itude has become so prevalent in Gateway culture that he even has his own restaurant in one of the city’s classier casinos! So save us, dammit! Please, good bands like Spoon, come back to our city, too. We really need your patronage. PLEASE.

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