Spring break woooooooo! We all know spring break is a time to take a load off and get a little crazy, and who’s crazier than those nuts in Ducktails and Woods? Nobody, hence why they’re taking their spring break in the middle of winter — February to be exact. In what is sure to be the world’s haziest, most melodic beer bash, the two bands are playing a week-long string of dates in the Northeast. If partying with those crazy dudes wasn’t incentive enough, the two groups promise some collaborative moments, as well as an acoustic sampling of the follow-up LP to At Echo Lake (TMT Review). Also, tequila shots out of Jeremy Earl’s beard? Anything is possible!
Woods + Ducktails dates:
02.02.11 - Burlington, VT - Monkey House
02.03.11 - Portland, ME - Apohadion
02.04.11 - New York, NY - Monster Island Basement
02.07.11 - Philadelphia, PA - Chapel at First Unitarian Church
02.08.11 - Baltimore, MD - Golden West
Ducktails-only dates:
01.15.11 - Philadelphia, PA - Pi Lam
01.18.11 - Brooklyn, NY - Grasslands *
* Smith Westerns
• Ducktails: http://alexphelan.com/ducktails
• Woods: http://www.woodsist.com/woods.htm