Listen to me, party friends, of the news item for which I am to be telling you in the present time. If, as me, you too like more of the synthetic clicks and the whistles than the AC/DC’s with their deeds of dirt done cheaply, then The Squarepusher he is a guy for you! Electronics wizzard of drum and of bass acid sounds Tom Jenkinson (is alternate ego for the Squarepusher) is said by The Quietus to will be releasing new, “super bad” (which is idiom) good album in this coming of May through his homeplate labelbosses of the Warp Recorders. Hooray with me, indeed, fellow junkies of the techno jazz! For this album of newness is equal to first new album since debut of Squarepusher Presents: Shobaleader One project for which album with too many not Squarepusher music-makers was employed for from the 2,010 years.
The newness of yet unborn album has in its nature the title of Ufabulum, which is doubtless fun to speech with out in the loud if you hold in your possession the idea of time. Tiny amounts of diminutive other informations can be said to exist at such present conditions allow, if only for this quotation from horse’s mouth of Squarepusher’s: “I’ve started thinking about pure electronic music again. Something very melodic, very aggressive.” While this speech is doubtless difficult to have been understood, perhaps a teasing of its video’s music will do well to project additional sun on subjects which are of the hand after discussions just now concluded.
• Squarepusher: http://warp.net/records/squarepusher
• Warp: http://warp.net