Ozymandias crumbled, and only the wrecked vestiges of his statue remained, a sun-bleached reminder of man’s impotence in the face of eternity. Young Marble Giants only lasted from 1978 to 1981, but guitarist/songwriter Stuart Moxham refuses to disappear into an ancient past. Over the last three years, Stuart has played several Young Marble Giant reunion shows (including a performance of Colossal Youth at last year’s ATP) with original members Phil Moxham and Alison Statton. However, there’s much more to Stuart’s repertoire than three years’ worth of seminal post-punk from 30 years ago. To remind us, he recently announced a forthcoming album, Personal Best: the first offering from his own hABIT label.
Personal Best is a “sampler of things to come,” but despite its forward sound, according to Moxham’s MySpace blog, it “covers every corner of my post-Young Marble Giants output over the last thirty years.” After all, we mustn’t forget about The G!st and his solo work in the 90s. (Moxham even contributed a track to The Believer’s 2009 music issue CD, so let’s not pretend he’s been twiddling his thumbs all these years.)
Moxham is still chugging away, too. He is currently recording an album of new material in his studio, slated to be hABIT’s second release. The album will feature his father Terence, daughter Melody, and friend Charlie Rose on violin. I wonder if Phil feels left out?
• Stuart Moxham: http://myspace.com/stuartmoxhammusic
• Young Marble Giants: http://www.youngmarblegiants.com