Lean times for the music industry, boys and girls. Even the indies gotta start repackaging their veterans. Case in point: on November 26, Sub Pop is reissuing its late-80s Soundgarden stuff — including their first record, Screaming Life, plus “bonus tracks from the Fopp EP and Sub Pop 200 compilation” — all rolled into one convenient package on CD, double LP, and digital. Hey, doesn’t that sound… like a thing to you?
All tracks have been remastered by Screaming Life producer Jack Endino, who had this to say about it:
I already knew Soundgarden pretty well, since they and Skin Yard had shared the stage many times in Seattle’s tiny club scene circa 1985-1986. Soon after opening Reciprocal Recording in July 1986, there I was with Soundgarden, trying to make the most of our eight tracks. Somehow, we found room for all of Matt Cameron’s “bonus tubs,” Hiro’s primordial Fender bass, and a whopping four tracks to share between Kim Thayil’s mad guitar psychedelia and Chris Cornell’s still-expanding voice. “Nothing To Say” was the song that made us all look at each other and go, “uh, holy crap, how did we do this?”
Sure, no one really likes Soundgarden anymore, but you could be a pal and help that pretty cool label (and maybe Kim Thayil too) keep the lights on at home and preorder the thing over at the Sub Pop site. I think it’s probably tax-deductible.
Screaming Life / Fopp EP tracklisting:
01. Hunted Down
02. Entering
03. Tears to Forget
04. Nothing to Say
05. Little Joe
06. Hand of God
07. Sub Pop Rock City
08. Fopp
09. Fopp (Fucked Up Heavy Dub Mix)
10. Kingdom of Come
11. Swallow My Pride
• Soundgarden: http://www.soundgardenworld.com
• Sub Pop: http://www.subpop.com
More about: Soundgarden