I worked at a record store for five years, and one of the most annoying things about the job was that whenever Southern Lord put out a new release on vinyl, I always ended up telling customers that we either didn’t get the vinyl or that it had already sold out, because, seriously, Southern Lord presses maybe ten copies of each record they put on wax.
Hey, maybe all those people I turned away should sign up for Southern Lord’s vinyl subscription series!
The record label, made famous by releasing music by the blackest of black-hearted metal men (who aren’t usually black), has offered 550 spots for 550 lucky Southern Lord fans. For a nominal, onetime fee, those lucky 550 people will receive seven (7!) vinyl records in the mail by such bands as Pelican, Black Cobra, and Ascend. The records will also contain bonus tracks unavailable on any other officially released version of each album, as well as a slip-mat by “a well-known artist.” Ooooo! Well-known artists!
Further information can be found at The first level of Hell.
• Southern Lord: http://www.southernlord.com