What happened to Crooked River, the documentary about Sufjan Stevens and his brother Marzuki traveling back home to Michigan to reconnect with their father? There’s no information on the film’s Facebook page, and I can’t find the trailer anywhere. Frankly, I’m a little disappointed.
Even if that documentary never emerges, Stevens hasn’t totally abandoned tales of reconciliation between fathers and sons. He provided the soundtrack for his pal Kaleo La Belle’s documentary Beyond This Place, which chronicles La Belle’s 500-mile bike trip through the Pacific Northwest with his father, Cloud Rock. According to Consequence of Sound, Stevens will be performing the soundtrack during film screenings throughout the next few weeks, and he’s released the title track, which is performed by Raymond Raposa of Castanets and features Stevens as well as Vesper of Ben + Vesper. It’s nice and folky, and there’re even hints of orchestral funk — just what you need to fill that Sufjan-sized void in your day.
10.30.11 - New York, NY - BAM Howard Gilman Opera House
11.03.11 - Portland, OR - Hollywood Theater
11.06.11 - San Francisco, CA - Castro Theater
11.08.11 - Los Angeles, CA - Vista Theater
• Sufjan Stevens: http://asthmatickitty.com/sufjan-stevens
• Beyond This Place: http://www.docmine.com/beyond_this_place.17.html?clang=1