The magical sorcerers in Sunn O))) are NOTHING if not devout-ass worshipers of that most face-melting of punctuation marks: the parenthesis. (((So much so, in fact, that they’ve even managed to incorporate it into the title of their latest European tour!)))
The recently announced “LET THERE BE DRONE (MULTIPLE GAINS STAGES)” tour marks the band’s first tour of what is easily most METAL of the seven known continents since 2016. It’s also (((for dramatic emphasis, I guess))) being billed as “the premier tour of their 2019-2020 season.” As I mentioned like three times already, It’ll take place in March of 2019 in select cities throughout Europe (well, okay, mostly France); and joining Stephen O’Malley and Greg Anderson for the campaign will be the core duo’s “valve guru and long time collaborator” Tos Nieuwenhuizen on synth (as well as a few “selected special guests”).
Now, I’m sure all these parenthetical asides are making you incredibly excited to read the full itinerary, so let me just drop a few relevant videos down below and then leave you to peruse the dates and plan your vacations accordingly. (((Hope you’ve got some serious airline miles racked up, American readers!)))
02.28.19 Frankfurt, DE - Mousonturm
03.01.19 Graz, AT - Elevate festival/Orpheum ° ~
03.02.19 Prague, CZ - Divadlo Archa °
03.03.19 Hamburg, DE - Kampnagel - K6 °
03.04.19 Amsterdam, NL - Paradiso °
03.06.19 Lyon, FR - L’Epicerie Moderne ÷
03.07.19 Nancy, FR - L’Autre Canal ÷
03.08.19 Dijon, FR - La Vapeur ÷
03.09.19 Rouen, FR - QuasaRites Day/Le 106 •
03.1.19 Tours, FR - Le Temps Machine §
03.12.19 Nantes, FR - Stereolux §
03.13.19 La Rochelle, FR - La Sirene §
03.14.19 Bordeaux, FR - Le Rocher de Palmer §
° Puce Mary
÷ Golem Mecanique
§ France
~ Robin Fox presents Single Origin
• Lingua Ignota
More about: Sunn O)))