And so the winged creature, a biological cousin of the malevolent species inhabiting Oz, flew with intent and an air of rightful ownership as it carried a dejected-looking, massive stone head to a place of relative security. But was that the whole story? Why, no! Revealed through the cover art of the seeming sequel to Rehearsal Demo Nov 11 2011, the head was stolen through elaborate deception, as its former possessor was casually directed by its imminent thief, “Whoa, Bob! Looks like someone lost a penny!” / “What? Where? I really don’t see… ohhhhhh, that son of a bitch.” What soundtrack could possibly serve as the rightful accompaniment to such premeditated deceit?
LA REH 012 from the reliably ominous sunn O))) sees the (blinding!) light of day January 20 in a limited edition of 1500 copies — just over 100 of which are still available for preorder at the time of writing — on 180g rainbow-colored… I mean, black vinyl. Supplementing the similarities of visual artistry, both LA REH 012 and Rehearsal Demo Nov 11 2011 were recorded in Los Angeles and mixed in Paris, while the former’s audible creation succeeds the other by about a year. Rehearsals both, if we take a stab at the unabbreviated “REH,” so if drone regardless of how honed is your thing, head on over here. Or possibly here at some point. Or to the associated Bandcamp page for a digital version when the time comes.
Separate but related, the collaboration between sunn O))) and Ulver, Terrestrials, will come out February 4. Here’s a track excerpt that’s been released in the interim since we last reported on the subject:
• sunn O))): http://sunn.bandcamp.com
• Southern Lord: http://www.southernlord.com
More about: Sunn O)))