How’s that ol’ Law of Inertia thing go again, Michael Gira? “A body at rest tends to stay at rest, and a body pummeling the fuck out of musical instruments in ritualistic fervor tends to keep pummeling the fuck out of instruments in ritualistic fervor”? Wait; that doesn’t quite sound right. Oh well. I’m sure as shit not going to argue with Michael Gira. Are you?
Yup, ever since Swans regenerated back in 2010, seems like they’ve been downright active, releasing one badass album followed by another on Gira’s Young God label and touring all over the place like young whipersnappers. And now, according to a recent Facebook post, Gira and his crew have announced plans for not one, but TWO new albums: a live record to stand as testament to their recent relentless tour-craziness; and (more significantly) a new studio album — their thirteenth overall. Holy shit, did someone put some B-12 in Gira’s porridge? Here’s what the man himself had to say on the Swans Facebook page (sorry in advance, but the dude doesn’t like caps):
thanks to all who came to our recent shows in europe. it means the world to us to be in the center of the storm with you… it is a life giving, regenerative event for us to make this music, and my hope is that a positive effect is shared by all. thank you for allowing us to make a fresh world in real time. your involvement means everything! … a few more of these short tours are upcoming, then a live album (hand made), then a new studio album using the live versions of these new songs you may have experienced as a starting point. so, the studio album will move forward from the live versions you’ve possibly witnessed (which have already changed nightly in the recent tour-s), and there will also be studio-only songs as well. we feel blessed to be able to do the thing we love, and profoundly moved that some people on this earth find something of value in our work. thank you! - michael gira / swans
Well, there you have it: I guess Swans and their ongoing momentum actually is a credit to us all! Sweet, I can’t wait to tell my mom. And that smarmy little terrier of hers.
Swans 2013 dates:
06.13.13 - Brooklyn, NY - Northside Fesival
06.14.13 - Pittsburgh, PA - Rex Theater
06.16.13 - Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival
06.19.13 - Calgary, AB - Sled Island Festival
06.22.13 - Hilvarenbeek, NL - Best Kept Secret Festival
06.23.13 - Clisson, FR - Hell Fest
07.18.13 – Indianapolis, IN - Deluxe at Olde National Centre*
07.19.13 - Detroit, MI - Majestic Theatre*
07.20.13 - Chicago, IL - Pitchfork Music Festival
07.22.13 - Iowa City, IA - Blue Moose Tap House#
07.23.13 - Newport, KY - Southgate House#
07.24.13 - Columbus, OH - The Bluestone#
07.25.13 - Cleveland, OH - Beachland Ballroom#
07.26.13 - Buffalo, NY - Tralf Music Hall#
08.13.13 - Edinburgh, UK - Liquid Rooms
08.14.13 - Belfast, UK - The Limelight 2
08.15.13 - Dublin, IE - Button Factory
08.16.13 - Cork, IE - Cyprus Avenue
08.18.13 - Wales, UK - Green Man Festival
* Low
# Pharmakon
• Swans: http://www.swans.pair.com
• Young God: http://younggodrecords.com
More about: Swans