T-Mobile is just climbing the social ladder these days. The cellular provider has added millions of customers to its network over the past year thanks to its improved service and appealing plans, but it seems that this is only the beginning. At a press conference on Wednesday it announced a new feature for its customers called “Music Freedom,” which will allow them to use music streaming services as much as they want without it affecting their monthly data limits. The crowd went nuts. But while they were going nuts, several journalists were pretty sure they heard T-Mobile mutter something like, “But only for the cool streaming services.”
Apparently Music Freedom will only apply to services that T-Mobile has deemed most popular: Pandora, iHeartRadio, iTunes Radio, Rhapsody, Spotify, Slacker, and Milk Music. They do plan on adding more to that list, but are asking users to vote for their favorite excluded streaming service so they can see which ones are most popular, because, you know, hip kids only.
While this new innovation is a big plus for consumers, there’s a good chance it will hurt these smaller, excluded streaming services. By giving a leg up to the services that are already at the top of the industry, it may become much more difficult for the smaller ones to grow. Many are claiming that this is a violation of net neutrality, but they’re probably just a bunch of jealous lames.