Oklahoma gatekeepers-of-the-weird The Flaming Lips have always been firm believers in the “Visual Learning” approach to freaking out squares. Sure, they’ve got their “music” and all that, but let’s face it: those tunes are nothing without a helpful visual aid or three.
Now, as Prefix reports, Wayne Coyne and his crew are going all-out and creating literal photo albums of their live shows, to be sold on their website and at concerts. The series, aptly titled All We Have Is Now (after the penultimate Yoshimi track), will showcase the photography of Coyne’s very, very, very, very, very, very, very supportive wife, Michelle Martin-Coyne.
The books, which Wayne promises will “appear every six months or so,” will not only document the band’s performances, but they are also intended to highlight the fan experience and, as such, feature many-a-crowd shot. “So remember,” Coyne quips like a veteran ad man in the promo video, ” when you come to the shows, be as flamboyant and colorful as possible, and you yourself will one day end up in this photo collection.” Sounds like a win-win situation to me.
The first volume is on sale now for $12 from the group’s official website. As Wayne warns, there’s not many of these, so snatch yours up soon. As a primer, feel free to eat a few Guatemalan Insanity Peppers and watch the full YouTube clip below. Seriously. The video itself is probably worth a buck or two.
• The Flaming Lips: http://www.flaminglips.com