Nineties alterna-rock hit-makers Collective Soul (wow, they had about 15 different singles on multiple Billboard charts back in the day) have signed with a major retailer, not a major record label, for their next album. The Georgia-based, quasi-Christian group announced that the aforementioned -- and properly spelled -- record, Afterwords, will be sold exclusively at Target. So, in case you are birthday shopping for your "cool uncle" or want to buy something for a person you hate, Target will be the only place to get the physical CD (download available from iTunes) beginning August 28.
In celebration of this semi-noteworthy alliance, not to mention Collective Soul being synonymous with the "Clinton Years," here is the tracklist to the Jerky Boys: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack:
Make sure to check out CS with Counting Crows and Live on tour this summer. It will be a great way to bond with Uncle Don. Plus, your mom will be happy you are finally listening to "normal music."