Are you tired of your one friend always scoffing when someone says, “Hey, you guys, I think I feel a presence in this room and it really wants us to watch The Big Lebowski instead of Reservoir Dogs,” during movie nights? Or are you just sick to death of having to go through the whole runaround every time you tell that friend about the translucent figure you accidentally made eye contact with in the bathroom during lunch? Well worry no more, because Ghost Box Records has yet again announced plans to loose its titular box of ghosts upon the music-listening public, effectively rendering all discussions of whether ghosts are “actually a thing” moot. This time they’ve got Empty Avenues from The Belbury Circle and John Foxx on offer.
First announced back in late June, Empty Avenues is the debut collaboration of Jim Jupp of Belbury Poly and Jon Brooks of The Advisory Circle as The Belbury Circle, and they’re joined on vocals by the eminent John Foxx (Foxx began as the lead vocalist for Ultravox, though he left that group in 1979 and has since created all manner of synth-oriented music with a wide cast of partners). Empty Avenues is out September 6 on CD and 10-inch vinyl (with different artwork for each format), though you can preorder it now. The EP features six total tracks, one of which is a remix of the title track by Pye Corner Audio. If you’re super anxious to get your friend to quit ruining social gatherings with his naysaying about ghosts and their scientifically verifiable capacity to haunt, you can check out a preview of three of the EP’s tracks below.
Empty Avenues tracklisting:
01. Empty Avenues
02. Almost There
03. The Right Path
04. Suit
05. Time of Your Life
06. Empty Avenues and Dark Corners (Pye Corner Audio Mix)
• Belbury Poly: https://myspace.com/belburypoly
• The Advisory Circle: http://www.ghostbox.co.uk/artist/artist_theadvisorycircle.htm
• John Foxx: http://www.metamatic.com
• Ghost Box: http://www.ghostbox.co.uk
More about: Belbury Poly, John Foxx, The Advisory Circle, The Belbury Circle