Maybe I’m not the most qualified writer for this belated bit of news about The Strokes. Until approximately 20 minutes ago, I’d forgotten they existed. I only liked five songs on Is This It?, and I never listened to anything they released after that.
Oh well. Now that I’ve dug myself into this hole, I might as well finish. Lots of people seem to have lost their marbles over the announcement of Comedown Machine, The Strokes’ fifth LP, which will be out March 26 on RCA. Comedown Machine follows 2011’s Angles (TMT Review), and there’s a track called “One Way Trigger” floating around SoundCloud right now, which you can stream below. If it’s up your alley, you can pre-order the album from iTunes on February 19, and you’ll get the first single, “All The Time,” for free. If you’re really freaking out though, then you can go ahead and pre-order the Comedown Machine right now from The Strokes’ website, along with “One Way Trigger.”
That’s all. I’m done.
• The Strokes: http://www.thestrokes.com
• RCA: http://www.rcarecords.com
More about: The Strokes