If you are like me, you wish you could be in a dark room packed with sweaty people who can’t hear each other speak all the time. Furthermore, if you are like me, we should be friends. We can hang out in dark rooms with a bunch of other people and smell bad and never hear each other’s words. Then we can go somewhere else and wish that this second location was dark and loud and sweat-covered, because those are the attributes we desire all locations to possess. Sadly, our dreams are not to be. But wait! Radiohead, the famous group of problem solvers, have a solution of sorts for us. They won’t be able to make us sweaty or our room’s dark (though I believe we can take care of those problems ourselves), but they will bring some DJ sets into our homes, presumably to be played at an extremely high volume.
On October 11, online radio station/music show Boilerroom.tv will broadcast DJ sets from Thom Yorke, Jamie xx, Caribou, Lone, and Ilium Sphere. These sets will be broadcasted live from 8 PM to 11 PM BST. But where does that leave Americans, those that do not live within the time parameters of BST? I’ll tell you right now, it leaves us watching from 3 PM to 6 PM EST. If you live outside EST but cannot figure out when this broadcast takes place, then I cannot help you. Well, I can help you. I just won’t help you.
But what do all those DJ guys have in common, besides logically seeming like they might be in a room together? Simple: it’s their involvement with the Radiohead remix album TKOL RMX 1234567. That album will also see release on October 11 and seemingly stands for The King of Limbs Remix Many Xylophones One Two Three Four Five Six Seven. If the title is to be believed, this record will feature remixes of songs from the most recent Radiohead record The King of Limbs (TMT Review), along with the involvement of many xylophones. Also, numbers!
• Radiohead: http://radiohead.com
• Boilerroom.tv: http://boilerroom.tv