4 sum reason raadiohead frunTman tHom york really enjoyz beIn cryptik nd typng liek a child or a Stoopid talkin kat. But p3r thIS announcment, he will b bearing giftz toodaye nd this weeek for uS all TOO enjoy and siP eggnog or sIng "Dekk the halls" to, incluDing REmIXES by BURIAL, MODESELEKTOR, AND MORE.
YayAyaYayAyayA~!!~1`!! chekk it out:
please excuse this addiTion to YouR pile of email.ThIs is not stricTly junk.
is a quick notE to Let YoU know thAT there will be shorttlY be a bunch of rmxs
of some of the songs from the ERAser album made available to download from boomkat.com.
on the 17th of Dec a BURIAL rmx of anditrainedallNight
a ModeSeleKtOR rmx of skipdivideD
& a VAriouS rmx of aNaLYse
on the 18th of Dec a FoURtet rmx of AtoMS for PEace
& two Christian Vogel rmxs of 'Black sWAn'
on the 19th of Dec the SuRGEon rmx of the CLock
a rmx of HarrOWdown HiLL by THE buG
& a rmx of Cymbal RUsh by The FIEld
that's it. apoloGIes for the disturbanCE. check themm out if you get amoment.
i Hope yours is a pEaceful CHRistmas.
thom yorke.
It has also been reported that XL Recordings will issue three vinyls of remixes (including the above) from Yorke's solo album The Eraser in the UK. The first 12-inch is due January 21 and includes "And It Rained All Night (Burial Remix)," "Skip Divided (Modeselektor Remix)," and "Analyse (Various Remix)"; the second is due January 28, featuring “Atoms for Peace (Four Tet Remix)," "Black Swan (Christian Vogel Remix 1)," and "Black Swan (Christian Vogel Remix 2)"; and since we've gone this far, the final 12-inch is due February 4 and includes "Harrowdown Hill (The Bug Remix)," "The Clock (Surgeon Remix)," and "Cymbal Rush (The Field Remix)."
Maybe you watched a lot of Ghostwriter or played a lot of Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? growing up and can crack this code, but I'm fucking stumped. All I can make out is something about "trying to tell you I... Burial score divas... MySpace... how the hell... chair." First person to send me the content of the message gets my love and affection.