In a bid to make tuition-free college a larger part of the national conversation, Chris Carter — founding member of Throbbing Gristle — has announced Chris Carter’s Chemistry Lessons Vol. 1, his first solo album in 17 years. It’s out March 30 on Mute.
Across 25 scientifically-tested, peer-reviewed tracks, the pioneering synthesist and tenured co-founder of the Led Zeppelin of experimental post-punk bands will deliver “insistent melodic patterns and a distinct sense of wonderment at the limitless possibilities of science” on his first LP back after a 17 year sabbatical. Here’s Carter himself on his inspirations:
If there’s an influence on the album, it’s definitely ‘60s radiophonic. Over the last few years I’ve also been listening to old English folk music, almost like a guilty pleasure, and so some of tracks on the album hark back to an almost ingrained DNA we have for those kinds of melodies. They’re not dissimilar to nursery rhymes in some ways.
It’s so nice to hear him lecturing again, isn’t it?
With all that out of the way, allow me to pass out your syllabus and outline your first assignment: down below, you’ll find the tracklisting for the new record and an embed for the lead track, “Blissters,” which is filled with all sorts of dreamy retro synths powered by SCIENCE. Your assignment is to LISTEN TO THAT SHIT and pre-order the record here (for a modest lab fee of course). Both the album and your homework are due March 30. Now, if there’s nothing else — class dismissed!

Chris Carter’s Chemistry Lessons Vol. 1 tracklisting:
01. Blissters
02. Tangerines
03. Nineteen 7
04. Cernubicua
05. Pillars of Wah
06. Modularity
07. Field Depth
08. Moon Two
09. Durlin
10. Corvus
11. Tones Map
12. Dust & Spiders
13. Gradients
14. Lab Test
15. Shidreke
16. Uysring
17. Ghosting
18. Noise Floor
19. Post Industrial
20. Rehndim
21. Roane
22. Time Curious Glows
23. Ars Vetus
24. Hobbs End
25. Inkstain
More about: Chris Carter, Throbbing Gristle