Fuck me, another children’s book. According to The Observer, Les Savy Fav frontman Tim Harrington is taking after Jeremy Enigk, Laura Bush, Will Smith, Queen Latifa, Madonna, and many other “celebrity” writers in that he has written a book for kids that has some sort of “fresh” take on the nursery rhyme “This Little Piggy” that is normally told on feet. William Morris Endeavor’s Andy McNicol has sold the book to Alessandra Balzer at Balzer & Bray, a children’s imprint at HarperCollins.
Sneak a peek at Harrington’s illustrations for the book at the website of his one-man think tank, Harrington & Selves, where he also makes greeting cards.
Meanwhile, struggling authors the world over are purchasing bologna with food stamps.
• Tim Harrington: http://lessavyfav.com
More about: Les Savy Fav