Last night, Titus Andronicus leader Patrick Stickles had a dream in which Union General William Tecumseh Sherman and Eddie Van Halen came down to earth from planet Vulcan and told him that if he didn’t keep Titus Andronicus on the road this summer, they’d melt his brain.
Not surprisingly, today we dutifully find a new listing of summer tourdates for Stickles and his crew in support of this past spring’s XL Recordings release of The Monitor (TMT Review). And just to keep the ghosts of both of those great men happy, Titus Andronicus will also increase in size for this next leg and perform as an eight-piece ensemble. Currently consisting of Stickles (vocals, guitar), Ian Graetzer (bass), Amy Klein (guitar, violin), David Robbins (keyboard, guitar), and Eric Harm (drums), the band will also welcome several of their tourmates from Hallelujah The Hills into the fold for most of these dates, including David Bentley (cello), Elio Deluca (keyboards), and Brian Rutledge (trumpet and trombone), all three of whom played said respective instruments on The Monitor. That little bonus oughta keep General Sherman’s spaceship out of Stickles’ hair for a while. And maybe now Eddie will finally rest in peace.
(Hey, shit, wait a minute… are they supposed to be ghosts or aliens? Aw, whatever… I’ll just distract everyone with some impeccably formatted tourdates!)
Titus Andronicus Summer Tour-stravaganza 2K10:
06.03.10 - Brooklyn, NY - Glasslands (Neighbors Allied for Good Growth benefit)
06.26.10 - Brooklyn, NY - Barge Park / Northside Festival
07.10.10 - New Haven, CT - Lily’s Pad / Toad’s Upstairs
07.11.10 - Northampton, MA - Pearl Street
07.13.10 - Buffalo, NY - Ninth Ward
07.14.10 - Toronto, ON - Horseshoe Tavern
07.15.10 - Grand Rapids, MI - Intersection Lounge
07.17.10 - Chicago, IL - Pitchfork Music Festival
08.28.10 - St. Louis, MO - LouFest
• Titus Andronicus: http://titusandronicustheband.blogspot.com
• XL: http://www.xlrecordings.com
• Hallelujah The Hills: http://www.hallelujahthehills.com