Fresh off a contribution to Fat Cat Records’ ongoing split 12-inch series (b/w Katie Gately), or rather in the centuries since its release, as it came out in October 2014, Australian dance producer/device user Tlaotlon is back in February, releasing a cassette called Natural Devices on his own newly minted label, World Memory Records. Tlaotlon’s other major release was in July 2014 (so in web-years roughly the early 90s) on 1080p, and our own Simon Chandler gave it a favorable review, commenting on the producer’s ability to both draw in and keep out the listener through over-stimulation, “leaving her stranded in a psychically indeterminate limbo.” But an enjoyable one!
The new album removes perhaps one or two layers from the chaos of Ektomists but strays even further from its dance-music anchor by stretching the rhythms, mixing and matching, rerouting the forward thrust, adding a footnote here and there, crunching the numbers on the unquantifiable and spitting out a non-sum. I pledge no personal allegiance to the vibe of techno, but Tlaotlon’s stuff draws me in anyway, the same sort of material doing a different set of balancing acts. Keep your eyes on the label page for a place to order the tape.
No preview tracks yet, but here’s one from that Fat Cat 12-inch:
Natural Devices tracklist:
01. Delta Vista Pacific
02. Illuminated Biomass
03. Kurzweil Empirical Shadow
04. The Co-domain
05. Open Systems
06. Aircheck
07. Templex
08. Tri-fold Pattern Language
• Tlaotlon: https://soundcloud.com/tlaotlon
• World Memory: http://worldmemorynet.tumblr.com
More about: Tlaotlon