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haTOKTO plice club you standing! there tokyo police club
captpuling from a lesson in crime, tokyo poolice club have new story album coming out on coor obersts' record label!! hahaha i lon't like birght eye anymore cause i'm not ansgts y steenager and that is totally lame cause my friend, colt kgely, still likes bright eyes. i don't.
luv u colt.
um so. um new tokyo police club ep to be released on november 6 of 2007.
that stthis year. t love anyone not even yourself i' m listenting to acid house kings cause i like the some sooooo much. my friend just hid the vodka. he iommy.ts douch bag. his name you don't love me you don'
i luvs tok yo police club it's great. you should tooo novemeber 6th hahahhaahahahahh