In addition to personally inspiring a short-lived and bruise-ridden interest in urban rollerblading, the movie Hackers (1995), starring Johnny Lee Miller and a surprisingly child-free Angelina Jolie, is memorable for two reasons: cringeworthy dialogue that seems infinitely more cool during a movie than on paper, and a soundtrack filled with nostalgic techno tracks from the early 90s. The movie was perhaps my first, albeit indirect, exposure to genuine electronic music, and the British electronic group Underworld arguably gained even more of a following with the track “Cowgirl” appearing on the movie’s soundtrack. The song plays when… I don’t know, the l33t characters are performing some amazing montage-worthy hack? I can’t specifically recall.
For those who were permanently affected by that movie’s soundtrack, or for the elder among us who were already knee-deep into the electronic music scene at the time, here’s some newsworthy information that you might appreciate: Underworld are releasing two “career spanning” compilation albums this month. The first, A Collection, is a single disc set featuring “edited highlights” (or radio versions) from the group’s 20-year career, alongside recent collaborations; while the second, 1992 - 2012 Anthology, contains three discs consisting of 16 “full-length Underworld classics” and nine rare or previously unreleased tracks. Both compilations are available for digital download now on the band’s website, with CD versions becoming available January 23. Check out the tracklistings here and here.
• Underworld: http://www.underworldlive.com