“Avast, ye,” maybe! Long Beach rapper and bane of upper-middle-class Christian moms everywhere Vince Staples has finally dropped some of the details regarding his new album and shared a new song.
The album is called Big Fish Theory, and it’s out June 23 via Def Jam/ARTium. As you can see above, its accompanying artwork features what is ostensibly a normal-sized fish in a very small bowl. This is called “symbolism.”
And while I would ordinarily just assume that something called Big Fish Theory is some weird, off-brand cross-promotion between The Big Bang Theory and the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Staples’ record is actually the hotly anticipated follow-up to the previously hotly anticipated Prima Donna EP from last year, which followed 2015’s hotly acclaimed LP Summertime ‘06. Vince previously embarked on a worldwide voyage he appropriately called The Life Aquatic Tour—because he really hates mixing metaphors—but he still has plenty of festival dates lined-up through summertime ‘17.
While no official tracklisting has “surfaced,” the rapper just premiered the music video for a new track from the album called “Big Fish,” which features open ocean, a shipwreck, and sharks (godDAMN, his theming is on-point). Watch it below. It’s totally “yar.”
Vince Staples tour dates (please excuse the lack of thematic tie-in):
06.01.17 - San Francisco, CA - Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
06.02.17 - San Francisco, CA - Colossal Clusterfest
06.10.17 - Kent, UK - Dreamland Margate
06.22.17 - Rothbury, MI - Electric Forest
07.15.17 - Louisville, KY - Forecastle Festival
07.15.17 - Birmingham, AL - Sloss Furnaces
07.16.17 - Birmingham, AL - Sloss Furnaces
07.29.17 - New York, NY - Randall’s Island Park
08.12.17 - Oslo, Norway- Oyafestivalen
08.16.17 - Kiewit Hasselt, Belgium - Pukkelpop
08.25.17 - Reading, UK - Richfield Avenue
09.01.17 - Seattle, WA - Bumbershoot Festival
09.22.17 - Las Vegas, NV - Life is Beautiful
09.24.17 - Las Vegas, NV - Life Is Beautiful
More about: Vince Staples