Years ago, the theory that The Walkmen could possibly tour with The New Pornographers existed solely in the realm of madness. Our nation’s severely deranged spoke of the pairing in terms like “Power Bill” and “Worth Every Penny” and “Signals From Jupiter.” While that last one probably referred to a different subject (most likely a Deerhoof/Enon tour), it’s clear that these predictions were only the twisted dreams of one driven mad by living in 2004. Time has passed and cooler heads have prevailed, yet the dreams of those tortured souls have come to fruition! Just as the lunatics predicted, The Walkmen are going on tour with The New Pornographers! The two groups will join together for a string of dates in April, bringing two of the world’s most acclaimed indie rock bands together. Additionally, the deranged’s prediction that The Walkmen would also play some dates by themselves beforehand has also proven true. Whether their other prophecy, the one concerning the return of the mighty Tiamat and the destruction he shall trigger, comes true, frankly, that’s still up in the air.
The Walkmen dates:
03.02.11 - New Orleans, LA - One Eyed Jack’s
03.03.11 - Houston, TX - Fitzgerald’s
03.04.11 - Austin, TX - Stubb’s Bar-B-Que
03.05.11 - Dallas, TX - Granada Theater
04.22.11 - Indianapolis, IN - The Vogue *
04.23.11 - Cleveland, OH - House of Blues *
04.25.11 - Buffalo, NY - Town Ballroom *
04.26.11 - Cincinnati, OH - Bogarts *
04.27.11 - Iowa City, IA - University of Iowa *
04.28.11 - Champagne, IL - Canopy Club *
04.29.11 - Columbia, MO - Blue Note *
* The New Pornographers
• The Walkmen: http://www.myspace.com/thewalkmen
• The New Pornographers: http://www.thenewpornographers.com