Warner Music Group has yanked itself (and its music) from the free, ad-supported music streaming feature on Last.fm, after they were unable to reach an agreement regarding proper compensation.
Warner Music Group was the first major music group to sign up with Last.fm's streaming service, but the shit turned sour as Warner Music Group believes that the compensation rates on Last.fm aren't as good as those offered by competing site IMEEM and the soon-to-be-launched service from MySpace. WMG has also been ticked off about Last.fm's lack of a music subscription service.
CBS, the owner of Last.fm since May 2007, released a statement claiming that it is currently in negotiations with WMG, so my guess is that WMG will likely be back on Last.fm soon. WMG would be stupid not to put its music back on the site, since Last.fm has become such an important player in the music industry. Not having its music on the site could lead to lost profits for the major, and it wouldn't want that, would it?