The Watson Twins are still BFF’s with Jenny Lewis (or J-Le, as I have affectionately dubbed her), but you can’t blame the two gals for wanting to branch out on their own. They will continue to do so with Night Covers, their new all-covers EP, which is due April 18 from Vanguard Records. The EP includes covers of The Black Keys, Bill Withers, PJ Harvey, Sade, The Turtles, and The Eurythmics. You can hear some of these covers on the road (cross your fingers for a “Sweet Dreams” cover!) when The Watson Twins open for Alexi Murdoch and Amos Lee this spring.
03.03.11 - Costa Mesa, CA - Detroit Bar &
03.05.11 - Los Angeles, CA - Bootleg Theater &
04.22.11 - Raleigh, NC - Lincoln Theater ^
04.23.11 - Charlotte, NC - Knight Center ^
04.24.11 - Asheville, NC - Forsythia Hall (headlining show) ^
04.25.11 - Knoxville, TN - Tennessee Theater ^
04.26.11 - Atlanta, GA - Smith’s Olde Bar ^
04.27.11 - Athens, GA - Melting Point ^
04.28.11 - Charleston, SC - NCPAC ^
04.29.11 - Birmingham, AL - WorkPlay Soundstage ^
& Alexi Murdoch
^ Amos Lee
• The Watson Twins: http://www.thewatsontwins.com
• Vanguard: http://www.vanguardrecords.com