Remember when Black Dice used to thrash? Remember when they used to scare the shit out of hipster kids? Well, now hipster kids adore them, right? That's why, according to the TMT Investigation Department, they secretly decided to start a side project and wear masks, switching their name around a bit to form White Mice! They now wear bloody, mutated mouse heads and bloody lab coats while playing sludgy noise rock to scare the shit outta hipster kids once again!
Fine, maybe not, but damn ya gotta admit their names are pretty similar. Once you've admitted that, here's some info you need to know: White Mice's Ganjohovahdose is their fourth full-length record and is coming out on the 20 Buck Spin label. The label proclaims this one to be the "heaviest, noisiest, ugliest, most beautiful sound they've achieved yet." It "stands as a testament in praise of lord Cheezus for bestowing this deadly ‘conncocktion’ of music, art, visuals, noise, and words onto an unsuspecting and dangerously unprepared public, on its October 20 release."
Sounds pretty cool right? Providence, RISD, Lightning Bolt, Load Records! Alright, now go! Go buy their records!
Ganjohovahdose tracklisting:
1. PasssTheFissst
2. Ganjahovahdose
3. The Hard On of Edam
4. Placenta the Crotchtower
5. Peeeugenicyst
6. The Ape-Caca-Lips
7. The Crapture
8. The Shroud of Urine
9. Onth’ Ragggnorock
10. The Narcomacauleycolicost