You’ve got your Wilco albums (CD, vinyl, and digital), your Wilco t-shirts, your Wilco hooded sweatshirt, your Wilco hats, posters, DVDs, DNA collection, and you just finished eating your Wilco sandwich and need a tasty beverage to wash down your delicious meal. Well, until they create and market Wilco Water (coming June 2011), the best choice you got is a cup of brand new Wilco Coffee.
Yep, that’s right, Wilco brand coffee is coming soon to a caffeine retailer near you. Here’s a quick review: “The aromatics of coffee blossom and violet make way for an incredibly graceful and elegant cup. The body has a light and silky quality, like fresh whipped cream, that beautifully compliments the ever-present note of citron, juniper berry and vanilla. As it cools, the cup blossoms into notes of confectioner’s sugar, rosehips, and soft raisin, resonating on a pristine finish with a touch of milk chocolate.”
MMMM! That sounds delicious! Can I have some? I can if I just go to Wilco’s website.
Now that Wilco have taken two steps (the sandwich and the coffee) away from “traditional rock band merchandise,” what can we expect in the future? Here are my ideas:
01: Wilco A.M. Alarm Clock
02: Wilco Brand Condoms, cuz nothing makes me wanna fuck like Wilco!
03: Wilco Wheels, for those times you just wanna turn on someone
04: Wilco Razors
05: Wilco Brand Personal Labelers, because then you can Wilco brand anything
• Wilco: http://www.wilcoworld.net