Every once in a while, you might overload on string cheese until it starts clogging up the reasoning part of your brain: “Hm, I wonder if Wolf Eyes are still around.” And then after a healthy night’s sleep facilitates a dairy comedown and subsequent sobering-up, you leap up from your bed and shout to no one in particular, “Of course they’re still around! Wolf Eyes existing and having a general desire to punch our ears with sound waves is very reliable!” The noisy trio’s relatively frequent touring should indicate clearly enough their continued (and welcomed) existence, but just in case you need another reminder of how Wolf Eyes basically raised you young’ns, here’s the announcement of a very new Wolf Eyes bandcamp. And here’s the link.
Five rare reissues served as the inauguration last month, and supposedly, according to a press release, five new releases from the “WOLF BASEMENT” will be made available every month for the indefinite future. From the Eyes’ “earliest experiments” to “current demos,” you’ll be sure to appreciate the frequency with which Nate Young, John Olson, and Jim Baljo (and prior members Aaron Dilloway and Mike Connelly) are confusing your roommates. No, you aren’t using your room as a venue to dangerously submerge various electronics in water.
Here’s a not-so-rare track as a reminder:
• Wolf Eyes: http://wolfeyes.net
More about: Wolf Eyes